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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Craps Rules - How to Play Craps

Craps Rules - How to Play Craps

If Craps could be summed in one sentence it would be this: A game that determines winners due to the outcome of a dice roll. It would be nice if learning craps were this easy. Yet, as intimidating as craps seems to many players unfamiliar with the game, learning the rules is actually quite simple.

When becoming acquainted with the rules of the game, the first thing a player should due is study the layout of the craps table itself. You only need to concern yourself with one side of the craps table, for the entire table consists of two asymmetrical halves that are exactly the same. This layout component facilitates play from all areas of the table. However, you will only be presented with one half of the table when playing online craps in an internet casino. The craps table consists of a series of boxes where the chips of various types of bets are placed. After learning what type of bet goes where, you should familiarize yourself with what each bet entails.

When being directly fronted by an online craps table, the player will first see a horizontal box that says the phrase, Pass Line, which is the section to make Pass Bets. Directly behind this box is one that says "Don't Pass Bar". This is where Don't Pass bets are placed. Just behind this box is a larger one marked with the word "Field" and the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 - with the numbers 2and 12 circled (meaning they pay bonuses - usually double). This is where Field Bets are made. Directly behind the Field box is another horizontal box of similar size printed with the word "Come". This is where Come Bets are set. Caddy corner to the right or left-hand side of the aforementioned boxes is a triangular shaped box with the word "Big" and large numbers six and eight printed in it. This is where "Big 6" and "Big 8" bets are placed. A series of numbered boxes (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) are located directly behind the Come Box. These are the box numbers and is where Place Bets, Buy Bets, Lay Bets and/or bets governed by point numbers are set by the dealer. Between this box and the vertical run of the Don't Pass Bar is a Don't Come Bar. This is where Don't Come Bets are made. And just right or left to this entire group of boxes is yet another series of boxes (which most craps players do not bother using due to their higher House Edge). At the top of this series of boxes is a box labeled 'Seven', 'Any Craps' and two vertical strips of boxes with various dice combinations. This is where Proposition Bets are made.

Before I go into an explanation of each kind of bet I just mentioned, I must advise it is wise to only concern yourself with a few boxes. The only places on the table that you the bettor will be primarily setting your chips in are the Pass Line Box, Don't Pass Bar, Come Box, and Don't Come Bar. The numbers themselves are only used for Field, Place and Buy Bets. All other times, the dealer will move your chips to a number when the situation applies.

Two terms you should know before studying the different types of craps bets:

Come Out Roll - After a bettor has made a wager, this is the very next dice roll by the dice thrower, also called the shooter.

The Point Number - If a bettor's wager does not win or lose on the come-out roll, whatever the value of the dice roll is becomes the point number.

The Pass Line Wager

A pass line wager is made by placing chips (left clicking mouse) in the Pass Line Box. The way the bet works is this: Once the shooter picks up the dice for the first time and places a bet, the first dice roll becomes the come-out roll. If the come-out roll is a 7 or 11, the pass line wager wins. If the come-out roll hits a 2, 3 or 12, the pass line bet loses. Any other number rolled becomes the point number. If such is the case, the dealer will move the chip(s) from the pass line box to the corresponding number on the craps table. From here on out, in order for the pass-line bet to win, the shooter must roll the point number again, before rolling a 7 or 11. If a 7 or 11 is rolled before the point number, the bet loses and is cleared from the craps table.

The Don�t Pass Line Wager

A don't pass wager works in opposite fashion to the pass line wager. It is made by placing chips on the Don't Pass Bar. The bet must be made at the start of a new game in which the shooter will be rolling the dice for the first time. If the very first dice roll, (come-out roll) is a 7 or 11, the don't pass line bet will lose. If, however, the come-out roll produces a 3, the wager wins. Boxcars, (double sixes), and snake eyes (double ones) on the come-out roll count for nothing, thereby making the very next dice roll the come out roll for a don't pass wager. All other numbers produced on the come-out roll will become the point. If so, the dealer will move the don't pass wager onto the corresponding point number on the craps table. If the shooter rolls the point again, before rolling a 7 or 11, the don't pass line bet loses. When a 7 or 11 is rolled before the point number, the don't pass line wager wins.

The Come Wager

As opposed to the pass and don't pass wagers, which must be made at the very start of a shooter's game, the come wager can be made at any time during a shooter's game. Chips are placed (left clicking mouse) in the Come Box, after which, the very next dice roll becomes the come-out roll for that particular come wager. From this point on, the come wager is governed the same exact way as a pass line wager. If, on the come-out roll, the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, the come wager wins. If a 2, 3, or 12 is rolled immediately after a come wager is made, the bet loses. Any other value rolled will be established as the point number for that particular come wager. If the point number is rolled a second time before rolling the shooters rolls a 7 or 11, the come wager wins. If the 7 or 11 hits before the point number again, the come wager is removed from the table. If it helps to better understand how come bets work, think of them as games not fully in sync with the game the shooter is playing. Although another player may be hoping for the shooter to roll a 7 or 11 for a previously made don't pass bet, that same 7 or 11 may be the winning come-out roll for yet another player making an independent come wager.

The Don�t Come Wager

Just as the come wager resembles the pass line bet, the don't come wager resembles the don't pass line wager. At any point in a game can a don't come wager be made by placing chips on the Don't Come Bar. The next dice roll immediately thereafter serves as the come-out roll for that particular wager. If the come-out roll comes up a 7 or 11, the bet loses. If it comes up a 3, the bet wins. All other numbers rolled are considered point numbers, which if rolled again before rolling a 7 or 11, will cause the don't come wager to lose. (If the point number is established, the dealer will move the wager to the corresponding box number on the craps table). Rolling a 7 or 11 before the point number is hit again, will produce a winning don't come bet.

The Place Bet

A place bet can only be made after a shooter's point number has been established. Once it has, the place bet can be made at any point in the game. It is made by placing chips on either the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 of the box numbers. After the place bet is made, if that particular number on which the chips are set is rolled before a 7, the place bet wins. On the contrary, if a 7 is rolled before the place bet number is rolled, the wager loses. Depending on the number chosen, odds vary. For a place bet on the numbers 4 or 10, odds are 9 to 5. 5 or 9 returns 7 to 5 odds, while a place bet on 6 or 8 returns the best odds at 7 to 6.

Free Odds Wagers

Free Odds Wagers give some of the best odds in any gambling game found within an online casino. They are strategic bets and are explained more fully in the craps strategy tips section. Returning true odds, free odds wagers must be made of top of pass, don't pass, come and don't come bets. In essence, a free odds wager is an increase in wager of an original bet, but with better odds on the return. To make a free odds wager, a point number must be established first. When it is - and the dealer has moved original bets on the craps table - players can make free odds wagers by placing more chips on top of their original bets (clicking the mouse on top of the original bet).

The Field Bet

Field bets are one of the most easy to understand bets on the craps table. They can be made at any time during a shooters game, and are determined with a single roll. After the wager is made, if a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 is hit the field bet wins. A losing field bet will result if a 5, 6, 7, or 8 is rolled. To make the wager, simply click the mouse in the Field Box. Producing a 5.5% Casino Edge, Field bets are not as chancy as the proposition bets.

The Buy Bet

The Buy Bet, like the Place Bet, can be made on Box numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 any time after a shooter's point number has been established. If one of the chosen box numbers is rolled before a 7, the buy bet wins. The difference between this wager and the place bet is that the buy bet is hit with vig, otherwise know as a commission of 5%. However, the bet returns better odds than the place bet, depending on the chosen box number. Rolling a 4 or 10 before rolling a 7 pays 2 to 1 odds. A 5 or 9 pays 3 to 2 odds, while a 6 or 8 pays out the best odds at 6 to 5.

The Lay Bet

The lay bet is another bet made on box numbers after a shooter at any time in the game. Also charged a 5% commission like the buy bet, the lay bet is very similar to the don't come bet in that it is made in hopes of hitting a 7 before the chosen box number is rolled. The bet is made by placing chips on a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 in the come box. If the number is rolled before a 7 the bet loses. Since 7 is rolled more than any other number in craps, the odds are lower than the buy bet. Rolling a 4 or 10 pays out 1 to 2. Rolling a 5 or 9 pays out 2 to 3. Rolling a 6 or 8 pays out 5 to 6.

Proposition Bets

Proposition bets are like Field bets in that their fate is determined in a single roll of the dice. Although they give some of the worst odds at the craps table, they are exciting bets, which some players like to occasionally take their chances on if they are feeling lucky. After a bet is made by placing a chip in one of the proposition bet boxes, the next dice roll will determine if it is a winner or loser. The Seven box is betting that a 7 will be rolled. The Any Craps box is betting that a 2, 3 or 12 will be rolled on the next throw. The boxes with pictures of dice each bet that a particular die combination will be thrown, listing the odds of winning such a wager in each box as well. The Horn box bets that a combination of a double six (midnight bet), six and five (yo eleven) and/or a double one (snake eyes) will be rolled on the next dice throw.

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